VS Code doesn't show errors

VS Code stopped showing Verse erros and CRTL + click doesn’t work anymore. I’ve reinstalled it, disabled/enabled the extension, but nothing works.

Does anyone know how to fix it?

Did you find a solution?

What worked for me is updating VS code

No, I didn’t.
I updated VS Code but it still doesn’t work.

Did you find a solution?

Unfortunately I didn’t.

In case this is helpful:

You might need to update your version of VS Code to support the updated Verse Extension.

  • Download most recent version of VS Code.
  • Open VS Code and navigate to Extensions.
  • Click the Three Dots just to the right of the Extensions Title → Select Install From VSIX…
  • Navigate to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\VSCode (or wherever your install location is located).
  • Select Verse.vsix and Install.

Thanks, but I’ve already done that and it didn’t work.

thanks for trying to help but it didn’t work for me ):

Is it all verse files that don’t work, or just one? I have had this same problem happen to me, but it was only a single file. I had a typo near the top of the file, and for whatever reason it disabled the error checking and ctrl+click for the entire file. It went away after i removed the errors…granted, without it telling me what the errors were, it was a bit difficult to resolve.

In my case, it’s all the verse files in two different projects.

what do u mean in diffrent folder?

Out of curiosity, how do you open verse or verse files initially? Are you doing it from the verse explorer in engine? Have you tried doing a rebuild verse code from engine to see if it can connect to VSCode?

no matter where i open its not showing the errors

Hey, i’m having the same problem rn, did you have found a fix for it?

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This worked for me.

  1. Close the verse file
  2. Click on the blue part in the Editor (Picture)