VS "14" Support

I know, it is very early version of VS, but I’m using it as default VS for C++ testing and it s not recommended to have VS 2013 and “14” side by side.
So, please, can you add support for it to 4.3.0 release?


We’re looking into Visual Studio 14 support, but usually it takes a while for us to be able to fully support new versions of the compiler because we need to get all of our third party libraries updated. If you use the source from GitHub, you could look into compiling the engine yourself using Visual Studio 14, but I’m guessing there will be some code change needed to make everything work. We’ll wait until after the final version is released and tested by our QA teams before we switch the engine to use this toolchain by default. However, I don’t see why it would be a problem to have multiple versions of Visual Studio installed side by side. That usually works rather well with Visual Studio.
