VRPawn issue? - UE 4.27

Hi, I am using the VRPawn from the VR template to get started with a multiplayer VR project.

The issue I have is that when I add a static mesh component to the the pawn (an avatar mesh) the whole pawn breaks when i run it in android.

When i say breaks it spawns at world centre (instead of the player start location) and there are no motion controllers to teleport around with.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?

When i delete the static mesh component and re-package everything works as expected.


Might this be a bug in the template ? Any insight will be a great help…thanks!

Hi Deflix,

Do you see any difference if you open the mesh you’re using for ‘head’ and go to Collision → ‘Remove Collision’?

Also, this is only Android specific, as in you can do VR Play-in-Editor on PC and everything works as expected?