VRay Materials becomes too dark when using specular/reflective map

I’m fairly new to Unreal Studio, and just can’t figure out why the vray materials I export from 3ds Max, using Unreal Datasmith, turn out so dark in Unreal.
Can anyone help me, and explain why this is happening?

Screenshots below:

This is how it should look (I turned off the specular and metallic maps)

Yeah, it looks like the metallic maps are ending up way too high, I’d just modify the material in UE4 since it can be much simpler.

There are improvements to this coming in 4.22 I believe.

Is that the material unreal studio creates? - This doesn’t look like a PBR material.

You could use the specular map (or one of the diffuse channels as a matter of fact) as roughness map. Put the specular map through a ONE-1 node and then ADD a ‘scalar parameter’ to tweak it. This would be a simple way to make a PBR material. Leave metallic and specular empty