VR Zero Gravity Climbing

Hey all!
I’m prototyping a vr climbing mechanic where the player can grab onto walls and climb around in zero g, orienting themselves however they see fit.
I’m most of the way there with it, but am struggling with this last little bit.

I can rotate the player’s roll easy enough - based on the position of the two hands relative to the original grab locations. However what I can’t quite work out is how to rotate around the pivot point if they were to pull themselves around a corner (see video).

In the video, the magenta sphere represents the mid/pivot point of the hands, the red is the mid/pivot point of where the hands first started their grab. They should be more or less on top of each other all the time - which they are for climbing/moving and pulling yourself into a roll.

Where this breaks, is when trying to pull around a corner, which should rotate the player object around the pivot point based on the delta of the hands to the original grip position.
When I try to adjust the yaw, I get some really strange bouncing like behavior, almost like it is gimbal locked or something.

I’d love to hear some feedback on what to try, I feel I’m very close to this - but it’s just out of reach!

(video of climbing) - YouTube

you can lower the physics friction of surfaces
I find it easier to just make the vr collision smaller

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Yup - that’s exactly what I have done - just altered the capsule size when in that movement mode - thanks for the reply!

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Hello, I am trying to do a similar thing, could you please share how you use the controllers to controll roll, etc?