VR Shooter Guns - Now available on Steam!

Hello everyone!

We’re happy to announce our virutal reality arcade game “VR Shooter Guns” has finally been released on Steam!


It’s a singleplayer arcade shooter and works marvellously on parties as a hot-seat multiplayer game.

It was produced for VR arcades with the Cyberith Virtualizer treadmill at first, then we decided to do a roomscale version, too.

Cool Features

  • Seven languages: English, French, German, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish
  • Four challenging levels
  • 15 and 30 Minute runs for highscore
  • Endless permadeath mode for skilled players
  • Increasing difficulty with each round
  • Global Highscore
  • HTC Vive and Oculus Rift supported
  • Built from the ground up for virtual reality!
  • Perfect for social VR challenges with your buddies!

We hope you all enjoy the game!

Official website: https://vrsg.cykyria.com/

Steam store page: Save 50% on VR Shooter Guns on Steam


Hey VR Shooter Guns folks!

Today’s /MASSIVE/ UP-GRENADE brings to your beloved VR Shooter Guns - wait for it - grenades!

Along with a /MASSIVE/ trove of tons of countless numerous bugfixes, enhancements and more:

  • 30 Minute Run is the new default game mode
  • listen to your own steps as you’re walking around
  • better hints for unskilled players
  • better visuals
  • better AI
  • more FUN
  • did we mention GRENADES?

VR Shooter Guns is 50% off until Nov 28 - get it while it’s hot: http://store.steampowered.com/app/489160/VR_Shooter_Guns/

  • Your Cykyria Team

Get 50% in the Steam Winter Sale!