VR quality and performance discrepancy preview vs build

-Unreal 5.3.2
-Used VR template
-Windows Mixed Reality Lenovo Headset
-Intel Xeon W2155
-RTX A4500

VR preview in the editor looks good and has smooth performance. Running as standalone game or packaged build reduces the visual quality significantly, and there is a noticeable jitter. A previous version of this same app built with an older version of Unreal looks better and performs better in the packaged build. I can make the standalone game look just about as good as the VR preview if I set the vr.PixelDensity to 2.5 - important to note that it still maintains 90fps with that setting. This is meant to run on PC, NOT an Oculus quest or some other mobile based system.

The tiny jittery movement persists no matter what setting I try ONLY in the standalone game preview and packaged builds. In the VR preview, it is smooth with no jitter at all, just like the older version of the app built on a previous Unreal version

I tried the VR template with no modifications whatsoever and encountered the same issues. Running in “standalone” preview mode yielded poor graphic quality and a subtle jitter, whereas “VR Preview” mode had very nice and smooth graphics - What is the discrepancy here and how can I package a project that reflects the quality of the “VR Preview” in the editor?

Any ideas on what this issue is?


I had the same problem, but this thread and blueprint screenshot fixed it for me:

You need to grab the game user settings and set the overall scalability level to 4, set the resolution scale value to 1.0, and the texture quality to 3.