VR Pawn attached to moving object MotionControllers parenting issues.

I am working on a project where my VRPawn is able to move using the “floating pawn movement controller”.
that’s great until I want to attach it to a moving object ( a cube that moves along a spline or that has a specific animation) while keeping the movement possible.

My goal is to still be able to move arround within a certain perimeter and have some kind of “elastic” effect when i’m not moving that pulls me toward the moving object.

I think I don’t understand how to do it properly.

I tried a few things,

  1. only setting the camera position with an Tinterp to smooth things.
    which works ok, it allow me to move the Pawn as usual, except that my hands (im using a quest3) are parented to the pawn and are not moving relative to the camera position.
    If i try to parent the MotionControllers in any way, ( using the interface or by BP) they freakout and are all over the place. they even seems to render differently on the left and right eye in my headset.

2.Within the pawn still, parent itself to the moving object using attach actor to actor set to snap to target on location and Keep world on Rot and Scale.
it is marginally better but I loose my ability to have some "spring effect " and the hands are still buggy and render differently for the left and right eye.

What is the proper way to do this?
It seems that I am missing the concept of how to do this the right way.

Thanks a lot.