VR: Multi-Slice / Multi-View Rendering for Mixed Reality and Multiplayer

I just noticed that “Multi-Slice / Multi-View Rendering” was added to the Roadmap, which I am really excited about. I believe it is crucial for VR and Unreal Engine, to make it as easy as possible to create Mixed Reality Videos and to support Local Multiplayer with our VR games. So I would love to see that the “Multi-Slice / Multi-View Rendering” feature incorporates support for Unreal’s existing local multiplayer system, and enables us developers to basically display whatever we want on the monitor, so that we can support features like Mixed Reality Videos.

This would be a killer feature. I know the devs of Spellbound and The Nest have been waiting for this feature too.

Glad to see the interest in this, just overheard that we’re making progress in these areas, especially around MR. More announcements will come, so stay tuned! :slight_smile: