What i essentially want it what HMD mirror mode 2 provides, but without the distortion. Just basically having the mirror look like a regular game preview, whilst the Oculus still previews as normal.
For now, I’m recording with OBS on hmd mirror mode 2, I up the resolution via r.SetRes xx, then bring into After Effects to downscale width by 50% (thus removing the lame stretch). This leaves me with a square aspect ratio, so then I crop to get a nice 16:9 ratio. Unfortunately I naturally lose resolution through this process, and end up with a ‘zoomed in’ perspective because of the crop.
NOT ideal. Could anyone shed light on their processes? <3
Ive seen the Showdown VR Demo shows the Undistorted Single view on the user’s second monitor (when using the Showdown Template in Unreal 4.10).
I dont know how Epic did that. Has anyone found the answer?
Just to update this thread since it is a top google search result:
I believe this is working properly in Unreal 4.11 and the Oculus DK2.
I have added 2 console commands to the Main level blueprint (see screenshot).
I have also the resolution of my game preview window (in the editor settings) to 1080x1080. Any square aspect ratio can be used. This way the single-view will not be distorted.
If anyone has any further tips please do post them here!
mirror mode 4 is great, however I have another problem now.
On my machine calling any “HMD mirror mode” command stops any mirroring, both in editor and in build.
However it works perfectly fine after moving project/build to different machine.
I need to remove Saved folder to restore it.
Did anyone have that issue?
When I set the mode to 4 my mirror window freezes by enabling stereo. Do you have the same issue ? It also changes my display (I have a wide view) in my headset which is obviously not the expected result.