VR interaction project (open source)

@Bevman00 it’s blueprint based … maybe I will rewrite it later to cpp but right now it’s kind of a playground for me to test new features

I scored a full time gig recently (VR so that’s good :D) and I’ll do something probably after new year. I have some bugfixes planned so stay tuned :smiley:

Very good contribution to VR original project from and [jjwisniewka , I tried jjwisniewka in ue4.26 and with quest 2 android .
There is some bugs that need to addressed to become very useful project in my opinion.

-the view rotation only work 1 time only and stop rotation after that.
-the hand keep moving with each teleportation .
-when you hold the gun and use left or right oculus controller thumbstick the gun rotate with them.](https://forums.unrealengine.com/member/719542-jjwisniewka)

it will be great to fix this bugs, thanks

Hello,thank you so much for your help.I was looking for the same interaction in one package .I have a question please what did you change in the motion controller map and is there any C++ code that you used ?

You found solutions for this? If so, can you make a pull request on the official repo?

Are you working in Unreal engine? Have you tried VR Edit Mode? Not only can you do exactly what you describe (while editing) you coould also see the code (or by turning on console and macro recording?) you could see how they do it in VR Editor,. If you have not tried VR editor in Unreal and or Unity you hve a huge wonderful surprise coming :slight_smile: