Hello everyone, I am developing a VR scene (not a video game) but I’m having a problem with controls. I’m using a Vive controller, and currently I have it so that when I tap left/right, I snap turn left/right, but when you tap and hold left/right you’ll smoothly turn.
The issue is on the smooth turn, you’ll always do 1 snap and THEN turn. I’ve been trying to find a way to eliminate the single snap but nothing is working. Most attempts have resulted in the snap turn only turning left no matter which button is pressed (such as changing the trigger type to “Tap”). I’ve tried changing the trigger type of both controls to just about every type (it’s been a couple months so I don’t remember the specifics) but none worked, I’m almost sure the issue is somewhere in there though.
Here’s what I have so far. The input action for the snap turn (which is untouched from the VR template) is simply an Axis 1D float with no triggers or modifiers.
Input action for the smooth turn is this:
The blueprint for snap turn is this:
The blueprint for smooth turn is this:
I’ve also attempted to combine both into a single input action and use a branch to decide if it’s tap or hold, but the forum post I saw about that was using a Boolean input, which does not work for movement.
Any help would be great, thank you!