VR hands don't work after changing inputs in the VR Template.

So using the VR template in Unreal 5.3, I have been trying to mess around with the input mapping contexts (IMC) to create smooth locomotion in my game but anytime I try to implement either the IMC or any inputs I created, the hands don’t work what so ever they are just stuck in their default position on the floor. I tried adding it to the PMI and added the mapping context in VR_Pawn but couldn’t even get the hands to track to my controllers. I started a new project with the template and decided to just modify IMC_Default since it worked when I first started it. I switched out the input mappings of IA_Move and IA_Turn, that seemed to work but once I changed the mappings to the buttons I needed it, the hands stopped working again. Here is a screenshot of what I have right now, keep in mind that this is a fresh project I’ve only changed the input actions and mappings in IMC_Default I am also using an HP Reverb 2 headset (I also tried adding the plugin for this headset in another project but I couldn’t figure it out there either.)

Did you find a solution?