Can you provide the code or blueprint for the problem you’re having?
I am trying to get a grappling hook to fire from my right controller hand mesh\Gun and attach it self to the wall.
The cable has to stay attached to the wall at the point which I initially shoot at, but also stay connected to my hand as I move and teleport around.
For some reason either the cable is attached correctly to my hand mesh or it is attached correctly to the point on the wall which I shoot at. But I can not get them both to work at the same time, as it will not originate correctly from the hand\gun and attach to the wall at the right spot at the same time.
I have the same issue. For some reason when I start the project and have the cable as a child of the hand Mesh, it originates from the wrist, as soon as I shoot the line trace to the wall it changes the origin of the cable to the floor of the motion controller, but attaches the cable to the wall like it should. Super Strange.
Noqmark, did you ever solve this issue?
Did you ever get this figured out @Noqmark
I have the same issue
Try unparenting the cable from the pawn and making the starting point is the point on the wall and the end point the motion controller. When the start position is attached to the motion controller the cable component has a bit of trouble, I think this is because on tick 1 you are setting the location of the start and the following tick it is setting the end location and this compounds when you move your hand.
I had similar results when I was trying to make a device in my right hand that had a cable component, a wire, connected to a device in my other hand. I just don’t think that the back end in the cable component it is built to be solved like that with motion controllers. Turning off low latency updates on the mo cons doesn’t help this either btw.
If someone else has solved this with using the start position connected to a motion controller, please post a video!!
thanks @imaekgames, I haven’t tried your theory yet but the event tick on frame 1 does make a lot of sense.
I tried this tutorial by Matthew Let's Create Widowmaker Grapple Hook - Blueprints #18 [Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial] - YouTube and from an FPS perspective it works like a charm. When I flip things to VR this is where the issue comes in. I am going to try and spawn a scene component to the hand and then attach the cable to it, my thinking is that the VR motion controller hands might not behave the same as other components and this scene-component could overcome some limitations, hopefully.
I’ll try all these out soon though and update the thread
Just an update @imaekgames and @Nokmark I managed to create a pickup grapple hook weapon that contained the cable component (reused the pickup cube sample). Once this was in my hand I used the same logic in the youtube tutorial link I listed above and it fired from the weapon as it should. In order to move the VR motion controller along the cable component over time I used a Move To Component instead of the Launch Character as in the screenshot attached. So far it seems to be holding up nicely, just need to tweak settings now to dampen the motion sickness a bit, might need a VR bucket of sorts
Thanks for the update! Does the cable stick to the motion controller(or both attach points) properly?
The hook originates from the controller and hits the line trace endpoint to make the length. I attached a pic so you can see. One thing I just picked up is that I did specify the origin was at the end of the gun barrel via an arrow but looking at the picture seems like its at the origin axis of the gun scene component. In VR its not noticeable but looks like this is a bit of a temporary solution and didn’t fix the original issue of spawning from a specific point.
Figured it out, specify the Attach End To > Component Property [name of component]
In my cast it is Arrow
Hi guys,
I am a total noob when it comes to programming, but I really want to learn.
Trying to make a simple grapple hook, and I did it for FPS, but now I just can’t figure out what to do in VR. If I make a pickup object as my grapple hook, that has the arrow component and the cable component, should I make a surface detection and rope firing on that BP, or should that be on motion controllers or in VR_Player?
Can someone post screenshots of what goes where?