VR: Creating a new map player spawns away from Camera and Hands

Hello! Im having a lot of trouble with my spawning. Using the default VRTemplate, I created a very simple level transition where you go through a portal type trigger box and your at the next level. However when i spawn in that next level, the camera spawns you in the ground or just completely under the whole stage but completely away from where i created an instance of the pawn. But the motion controller hands spawn where they are supposed to. I have adjusted the initial parent class of the motion controller pawn to be a character class, following the tutorial from
Marco Ghislanzoni ‘[ArchViz] Thumbstick locomotion & gravity with the standard VR template - Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - YouTube’. I slightly adjusted the movement blueprint so that the rotation of the camera followed where your head is facing at all times. I have all the collisions on default at the moment. Im not sure if i need to adjust a ‘player start’ or what the actual issue is. Thanks ahead of time!

yeah so I ended up created a gamemode naming the motioncontrollerpawn as the default, and then i use player start from then on and it hasnt given me any issues since! Thanks for the response!

have you checked the Gamemode,
placed a Player Start in the level
or set the Pawns Auto Posess Player Option to Player 0