VR - Can you Guess the Films

And here they come, going to try and get this set up over the next few weeks.


Walking Dead Prison UE4

Radagast Hut - 360 Fly Around

The levels are now loading and a HUD is being worked on to help gel it together. We will try and get a video out followed soon after by a free demo. :slight_smile:

More updates.

Cool film :slight_smile:




Little test movie from from above.

And here are some more images

Here they come, got so many now just never the time to stitch them all together, this year it will come together.

Dragonstone, The Painted Table

This is great news, she will be so happy to find out her work his made it into “Pick of the Day”

The Hateful Eight / Minnie’s Haberdashery - UE4 Environment