VR Blueprint Template - Possess another Pawn

Hey there, I’m a Blueprint newbie. I’m using the VR Blueprint Template. I’ve created a system to possess another pawn - yay! But when I get there, I’ve got no hands. Looking back, the motion controller meshes are back with the other pawn - and no longer responding to input.

I think that’s because the MotionControllerPawn Blueprint is a Pawn, not a Player Controller.

I think I want to make a new Blueprint based on Player Controller - with the nodes from MotionControllerPawn.

I tried re-parenting MotionControllerPawn as a Player Controller, but lost my hands again. (Re-parenting back to Pawn didn’t work either. I ended up looking down onto the hands from far away, but my possession code stopped running.)

Any suggestions on the approach or implementation? What’s the next simplest thing that could possibly work?



May I ask what’s the purpose of possessing another pawn in your game? Is it because the other pawn has different appearance or logic? If it’s simply to move from one place to another then you can just teleport your pawn to any random location and keep everything intact. Another simple solution is to make a copy of your MotionControllerPawn in the level and place the copy wherever you want, then you can unpossess the original pawn and possess this copy and it will begin receiving input and functioning as the old pawn.

But yes, your understanding is correct. MotionControllerPawn is a Pawn object, so as soon as you possess another pawn then it will stop receiving input and you will only be using the functionality and components of the new pawn.

Hi @m_foda, sure, thanks for asking. The purpose is to give the player choice of agency through different tools/weapons/actions and locations - like a “power suit”. Yes exactly, the vision is dozens’s of these different suits on a level and combining them clears obstacles and unlocks new challenges and other suits. It’s an FPS with puzzles. When inside a suit, different controller meshes communicate what’s available. It would be like getting into different construction cranes/vehicles and driving them.

Yes, good point. Multiple MotionControllerPawn’s may be the simplest thing that could possibly work. If I’m going to use different meshes/components to customize the controllers that’s a great place to do it. My concern was 100’s of them would make unnecessary objects (Unreal is new and opaque to my understanding) that would bloat the game - but that all seems like helpful features now :slight_smile:

I’ll try it and see what happens! Thanks again @m_foda!

Edit: What I didn’t understand was MotionControllerPawn is a Pawn, not a Pawn-like PlayerController with meshes.