Hi there,
I’m trying to set up a 3D widget (used in VR) where I can chose between some values, as per example an aperture value selection on a camera. (see pic below)
What could be the best way to make this ? I want to be able to change the value using the thumbstick of a controller, to scroll the bar and select the visible value. For now I can’t change neither a slider nor a scrollbox nor a combobox scroll value using the controller.
Also I don’t find a way to set the values used (the F-number of a camera values look like 2.8, 3.2, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.0, 5.6…) ; using a Datatable ? A structure ? A string Table ? And how to set them in the widget ?
Thanks a lot for any help 
Alright I managed to scroll a scrollbox using my controller (by using a widgetinteractioncomponent). I’m still blocked into managing the values and the widget, though.
Well… I don’t know the best way between scrolling in a scrollbox and using the value displayed, or changing a value and display it on a line or something… I haven’t success in any way by now.
So, I finally got my setup work.
Here is how I made the thing :
I have a widget displaying 3 text blocks : the value used in the mid, the value-1 on the left, and value+1 on the right. These texts are displayed from a datatable (imported as *.csv file), referring to specific rows.
By pressing the pad right or left, the row reference is in/decremented, updating all three texts.
The widget can be added in an actor blueprint as a widget component and doesn’t need the use of a widget interaction component.