I’m testing the project right now, great job! I’ve sent you a crash report with logs, maybe I’ll be able to reproduce it in some clean way.
What about pathfinding? I’ve tried to make Navmesh work with the voxel terrain, but it doesn’t update, even if it’s set to Dynamic in project settings. Is there a way to make it work? I’ve found this video (it’s from voxel farm) and navmesh works there, so I guess it’s possible…? Voxel Farm: Dynamic Nav-Mesh UE4 - YouTube
Pathfinding is a crucial component in most games, I’m curious if it could be implemented into dynamic voxel terrain. That would be a big feature.
@frostic It can generate in game, I’ve just tested it. I also had some problems with compiling, but after I installed Visual Studio 2017 with VC++ component + reinstalled Windows SDK 8.1, it compiled properly.
@OmniMachina Please create Github issues with precise description of what you need
@Slavq Pathfinding can be done, but it would require at least some work around the UE4 navmesh, if not a custom A* implementation. Please create a Github issue so that I don’t forget it.
I downloaded the last version. I rebuilded it but it said “ERROR INT ERROR: Failed to produce item C:…Plugins\Voxel\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-Voxel.lib” then closed. One page ago I saw a zip file and I used it and it worked. But as I know, it’s not the latest version. Do you have any idea about it? I want to use this amazing plugin.
I’m using Visual Studio 2015. Should I upgrade to 2017?
Pure gold :D! Maybe add some example of heightmap like world generator in blueprints? I’am fighting with that for couple days and still getting “blocky” terrain.
I’ve noticed that on the first page you’ve mentioned the Blueprint loop limit. To eliminate the limit, go to Edit>Project Settings>General Settings>Blueprints>Maximum Loop Iteration Count and increase the value.
Besides that, there’s also Blueprint recursion limit, but it also can be changed: Infinite script recursion (250 calls) detected - how to bypass it? - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums
Maybe you’ll find this information useful.
By the way, what’s the maximum size of voxel landscape using this system? Basically how big can it be while still running smoothly?
I just removed ability to generate world from blueprints because it was far too slow. I think you have to understand how the plugin works to create a good generator, so have a look at this.
Terrain size is only limited by integers limits. For now it’s 8192 * 8192 * 8192, but it could easily be increased by using int64 instead of int32.
Resolution (LOD) is limited by performance. I’m currently doing optimizations, and then I will post a video showing performance limits.