Voxel Plugin is available for Unreal 4.23, 4.24 and 4.25.
It brings everything you’d expect from a nice voxel plugin:
ultra fast infinite volumetric worlds
real time editing of the terrain
infinite colors, or up to 256 different materials
2 modes: smooth (marching cubes with transvoxel for LODs) or cubic (with LODs too)
full blueprint interface (except world generation which is C++ only or custom graph as blueprint are way too slow, see pro version below)
and lots of other stuff like save/load, undo/redo…
A pro version is also available, with more features:
multiplayer support
(procedural) foliage support
ultra advanced graph system to generate custom worlds in a few clicks: the graph system supports C++ translation, macros, local variables, textures, curves…
multiple importers to import voxels from magica vox, 3D coat, meshes, heightmap, UE landscapes…
I was thinking in a personal game with something like this for a while, and this is a majestic resource for marching cubes dude, excellent community as usual, thank you very much sir
I’m not only talking about the heightmap, but the terrain material as well
So there is no procedure implemented to transfering an existing terrain to a voxel terrain?
Not yet, but transferring heightmap should be doable. For the materials however, it would require some work as terrains are using UVs while I’m using triplanar projection.
This is because camera is going too fast. There is no lag when going at a normal speed. Various parameters can also be tuned to decrease quality and improve performance.
Getting some errors when trying to compile.
Error C4800 ‘int’: forcing value to bool ‘true’ or ‘false’ (performance warning) Project E:\Unreal Projects\Project\Plugins\Voxel\Source\Voxel\Private\TransvoxelTools.cpp 342
Error C4800 ‘int’: forcing value to bool ‘true’ or ‘false’ (performance warning) Project E:\Unreal Projects\Project\Plugins\Voxel\Source\Voxel\Private\VoxelChunkStruct.cpp 326
Error Failed to produce item: E:\Unreal Projects\Project\Plugins\Voxel\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-Voxel.lib Project E:\Unreal Projects\Project\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR 1
No, I downloaded the voxel.zip put it in plugins folder of my project and it said it couldn’t be compiled for this version (4.17.1) and to rebuild from source manually