Hey! I would love to use the unreal engine 4 for a game jam. There is only the issue that I’m a programmer and not an artist. So to make the art easy for me I want to use the 3D version of pixels, named voxels.
So I wanted to know whether any of you used already some voxel editor to create trees, tables, rocks, … and the editor works really well with the UE4. I mean so that it’s easy to export for example the created tree from the voxel editor and to import it to UE4.
Does anyone have some experiences and can recommend something?
RE: Authoring externally and importing: Nick D was playing around with importing stuff exported from MagicaVoxel (https://voxel.codeplex.com/) a few weeks ago. IIRC importing the .obj directly was really slow, but opening it up in something else and resaving it to .FBX worked pretty well.
Thanks a lot That was exactly what I was looking for. I tried it out and it works really well.
I created a flower pot and exported it from MagicaVoxel as .obj . Then imported it in blender and exported it as .fbx . Then I could import it with the options “Import Materials” and “Import Textures” checked into my Unreal Project. And it looks exactly the same as I created it in MagicaVoxel.
Ok. I experimented a bit more with MagicaVoxel and UE4. I ran into an issue, when I imported the .fbx into UE4 (Issue: No smoothing group information was found in this FBX scene. Please make sure to enable the “Export Smoothing Groups” option in the FBX Exporter plug-in before exporting the file.) I found a solution to solve this. So I thought I’ll post it here, if anyone else wants to try out MagicaVoxel with UE4.
After you imported the .obj file into blender you need to click that gray triangle on the right of your object name . Then press “Ctrl + E” and select “Mark sharp”.
Now you can export your file as .fbx . On the export dialog you need to make sure to select “Smoothing: Face” .
Now you shouldn’t have any issues with importing the .fbx file into UE4.