Voting on Feedback and Features

Hi Rawalanche,

Thank you for taking the time to provide your thoughts and feedback.

You can switch your view depending on what you are specifically looking for, including topics that have votes or topics you have voted on. This will include the main category of “Feedback for Unreal Engine team” as well as the two sub-categories; “Documentation Feedback” and “Unreal Online Learning Feedback”.

We are looking into adjusting this slightly so that topics with zero votes do not show up on the “Votes” selection.

I can appreciate the frustration in waiting for features. In the way of the forums, our priority at the moment is making sure that merging Answerhub with the forums not only goes smoothly but is beneficial to everyone in the community. Once this has been completed and functionality is as the community, and we would like it, we can look further into how we might add additional features and requests.


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