VORTEX | Unreal Engine Short Film

Hello everyone, I’m excited to present Vortex, a project realized with ValOne, now available on YouTube.

For the past two years, I have been working on environments in Unreal Engine 5 and regularly posting my creations on my Instagram page. Each project is a learning opportunity and evolves with my inspirations, always maintaining a curious and carefree spirit.

Recently, ValOne asked to use my sets for a collaboration where he integrates his music with my visuals. We worked together to create something that, I hope, you will enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed producing it.

Happy viewing!

My Instagram page : https://www.instagram.com/qtn.cls/


Hi there @Quentin_cls,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far :slight_smile:

This entire film looks incredible. The vibrancy of the colors, lighting, and environment design are all done so well. It all feels dream-life and magical even while maintaining a bit of edge. Truly stunning work :smiley:

Do you currently have plans to create similar projects?

Hey :slight_smile:
Thank you so much for your feedback and the compliments, I really appreciate it!
Yes, there are more coming!

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I look forward to seeing them. Happy developing in the meantime :smiley: