Volumetric lighting with light occlusion? (Laser Projector)

I’m looking to recreate the look of stage lighting like Laser Projectors in [this dope example.][1]

I learned that Volumetric lights don’t work with Light Functions, so I used a normal Spotlight and Exponential Fog setup. I then used a plane with an alpha to create a screen to block the light. The effect works, but I get poor results. The spotlight in general looks this way when turned up, but I’ve seen results that were far cleaner. Any ideas on volumetric light resolution??

Here’s an example I’ve seen [in another youtube video][4] where they managed to very cleanly solve this. They unfortunately never released anything, and it’s been a year since that post:


Also, to maintain the image within the narrow view of the spotlight, I have to obviously make it very small. When I zoom out even just a little bit, an LOD type result kicks in and causes this effect. Is this at all related to the light resolution?


Also, I’m using a single image map as the alpha for the screen, but would prefer video. The video options in Unreal won’t work for me since I need live changing results. Is there any way to feed in live input from another package like TouchDesigner? Maybe somehow call a folder with a constantly updating output image from the other package?

Any advice on any of the above topics would be super helpful! Thank you!