Volumetric Light System Release/Support Thread

Alright! Volumetric Lighting BP is out on the marketplace now! The file name issue should be fixed! Thanks everyone for your support!

Just got this and it looks very impressive. Thanks for doing this :slight_smile:

Thank you for your support and your kind words :slight_smile:

I just tested your volumetric light kit… looks very cool! There are two unclear points for me… Can i use it with Spot and Pointlights ? and is it possible to make the outer lines of the volumetric “shaft” effect more sharp ?

Thank you! The system should work with spotlights, point lights and directional lights, as long as they have affect translucent lighting checked true. And as far as the shaft sharpening, unfortunately with the way the system works, as it is, it doesn’t get any sharper than it does at the highest quality setting, as the frustum mesh at that setting has a vertex count of over 1mil tris.

This looks awesome. How does it interact with things like particles, or when light is cast into translucent media?

Looks really great :slight_smile: Well done!

Thanks! I’ve tried using it with fire particle effects in an open world game I’m involved in, and the starter dust particle effect to have the appearance of dust from sunshafts in an old building. Worked great with both :slight_smile: I also temporarily used this system for underwater depth fog, which had nice results, but we ended up scrapping that use of it when we started using it in our project globally.

Thank you!

Man you rock ! Thanks :wink:

Thank YOU! :slight_smile:

Hey all! We’re coming up on the end of the first week of Volumetric Lighting BP being on the marketplace. It’s sitting at a solid 5 star rating, and it’s been purchased over 100 times! Thank you all so much, I honestly didn’t expect to get that many sales over the life of the system let alone within the first week, but I clearly underestimated my fellow developers’ interest in volumetric light!

I’m also very happy to announce that I’ve just submitted an update to Epic that contains the fog and dust features talked about in earlier posts, as well as a fix to automatically scale the lighting frustum to fit whatever field of view your camera has. I should hear back from them momentarily, and when I do, I’ll be sure to let you know about an ETA of when that update will hit the marketplace.

Thanks again to everyone for your feedback and support, this has been such an amazing, humbling experience.


Update progress: Epic has gotten back to me, they’ve received my update and are sending it to staging to hopefully be pushed to the marketplace in 3-5 business days.


Awesome! Going to love trying the update :slight_smile:

Fog and dust update is now live! Thanks everyone for your support, if you have questions let me know here, shoot me an email at contactsmallheartstudios@gmail.com, or find me on skype, smallheartstudios.


Hi. My game uses dynamic lighting in a large outdoor world. Noob question, but will this apply to my lighting it is it more for placed spotlights?

Yep, this system will work with any light type that affects translucent lighting, including directional lights :slight_smile:

Hi, i’ve bought this.
The first change i made was immediately to put a panner on the Dust texture, as completely still dust doesn’t really make sense.
4WayChaos, like for Caustics, is a good function to use as panner.
Good job!

Hey there, thanks for the info and for your support! :heart:

Hey all, there is a bug in 4.12.5 (possibly other versions after 4.12 as well) where spotlights don’t interact with translucent materials properly, resulting in them not working with this system. I have submitted a bug report and hope to see it fixed soon. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

Thanks again for all the support, this asset is sitting at a very cool 5 star rating on the marketplace. You guys rock!