Volumetric Fog troubles

Hi! I tired to create visible light beams from cylinder and around it. What is the best way?

I created Volumetric Fog “on” in ExpotentialHeightFog with SpotLight here. Hard to see any volume shadow from cylinder.((( Also Fog visible thtrough the wall…



( moveable ).

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Ok. no way to work with [Statijnary] SpotLight?
I made all your set up and got same result. Still issues on the walls (these are just several boxes that making a room for this test)

From bigger distance the result is worse…

Doesn’t work at all with stationary.

ye. I set to [movable] PointLight or Stop and
there is no difference.

Are these stretched cubes? I didn’t even put a lid on mine

yes. Just stretched boxes that make my room. No way to do this using other method…

Setting everything to world grid material helps… or ‘black unlit’


But i want to add soft skylight and remove black, so i can slightly see all environment…
Like in this tut-

Skylight has no effect for me :slight_smile:

Didn’t they use a directional light in the tuut?

This is with a bit of directional. I put grey on everything, except the cubes

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no. It was SpotLight in tut, so did i.
Looks like VolumeFog just working as Xray.

No, I mean directional instead of skylight?

looks like im missing something.(
I added DirectLight and now everything is in fog.

Yeah, that’s the er… fog :slight_smile:

If you ramp the volumetric stuff up to get really good lines inside, it will look like trash outside.

Inside ( I added fake GI using point lights :slight_smile: )


Full on fog…

Notice, you’re trying to copy an interior scene, but you’ve made the scene outside. I think it might help, if you try and get it looking right inside the room. ( move the barrel inside ).

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and how you “( I added fake GI using point lights :slight_smile: )” ??
I tried PointLight, set it to [Static] and turned off CastVolumetricShadow. But its still affecting on Fog after baking Lightmaps.

I rebuild room like you said and ye its may be ok for room. But as i understand [movable] PointLight generate no GI.
What i need to use in UE to create such local scene but outdoor? Such room, light, cylinder but on the street?

But these are still same problems on the thin wall…

Do you know where this is from?


Notice it’s inside again.

Also, it could just be a ‘god ray’ mesh. It’s quite easy to make it look like this, but you can’t walk into it.

yep. Its video from…

Looks like she used animated mesh for rays.
So no way to create such scene outside correctly without planes?

You can do it outside, but you’ll need to dial back the fog. Lemme see if I can do something…

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Hey, thanks.
Also …
and how you “( I added fake GI using point lights :slight_smile: )” ??
I tried PointLight, set it to [Static] and turned off CastVolumetricShadow. But its still affecting on Fog after baking Lightmaps.