Volumes on tiles/tilemaps

Is it possible to attach a volume to a tile so when that tile is painted in a tile map it’s done for me? Thinking of using a volume to create one way platforms to disable/enable collisions on certain tiles.

You can drag and drop a trigger volume into your level, then place it, then right click it and “Add Event” - “On Begin Overlap” and or “On End Overlap”. Then the trigger volume event is added to your level blueprint. GO now back to your map, select all the tiles you want to be triggered, then go into the Level Blueprint and rightclick into the event Graph and pick the option to add References for the selected actors (requires context sensitive ticked). Now drag from the actor reference node and right click, untick context sensitive at the search feature, and type “set collision”. Now connect the set collision blueprint with your trigger volume “Begin on overlap event”, this will remove collision, when the player enters the “trigger volume”. You could copy the nodes and add them to the Begin On End OVerlap event, then choose New Type “Collision”, in case you want to enable collision back.

Great thanks unit23!