Just got VOIP working and currently learning how to set it all up.
But I’ve ran into a problem I can’t solve.
How can I mute a specific players microphone? Is there a console command or function for this?
Just got VOIP working and currently learning how to set it all up.
But I’ve ran into a problem I can’t solve.
How can I mute a specific players microphone? Is there a console command or function for this?
I am really interested in this too.
@Kabassmusic have you found anything yet? I am also searching help regarding this issue
You need a custom VOIPTalker Blueprint and a reference to the PlayerState it is registered with. From your UI, you can then set a muted variable on your client’s copy of the PlayerState to prevent talking. I have not extensively tested this, but it seems the only logical way i found so far.
There is a mute node!
The only way I managed it to work is to have a playerID known for each player then from an UI when you press the Players name corresponding to ID to Mute his VOIPTALKER Audio Component or any other source Bus Send that you are making inside there custom.
@HEGI logic seems good