VOIP Audio ignoring all attenuation & effect chains


I’m trying to add attenuation & effects to my VOIP audio for a multiplayer game, I’ve based my implementation on documentation and tutorials that I’ve found online, but for some reason it fails to work at all. Not only is there no attenuation whatsoever, but there are no effects either.

The way I implement it is simple, I just set the VOIP Configuration variable. In theory, this is all that is needed to get it to work, at least according to all the info I’ve found online.

I also have a push-to-talk radio that adds a bit crush effect and high pass filter. When you press X, it removes the attenuation and adds the effect, when released, it does the opposite.

Here is my full implementation.

(Update: I noticed that this image was compressed beyond readability, here is a link to the raw 500kb image)
It’s a pretty standard thing, in my Player Controller I create the VOIP, register it, set a threhold (based on an int from the game settings), set an origin for attenuation (when a player spawns, it overwrites it with a more accurate location), and tell it to enable speaking via a command. Proximity chat is the default, so push-to-talk is opt-in.

I’ve scoured the whole internet (not very well, since search engines have been useless for the past few years) and found no explanation as to why neither my attenuation or effects aren’t working.
The attenuation is set to 2.5m inner, 25m max. But it seems to be 2D audio…

The effect should also be quite noticeable, but the audio quality does not change when using the in-game radio…

Going through older forum posts I found this morning. First test will be to see if muting and unmuting works.

There is also this one below that claims that you need to replicate the VOIP creation across clients, and have it on the pawn. I am not going to test this yet as it will take a bit to re-write my blueprint. Maybe I’ll test it in my next post or so.

Unfortunately, this was a failure. I suppose I’ll have to try this out too.

That didn’t work either. For those curious of what does not work:

For now, I’m giving up. I can’t waste much more dev time testing to see how to make something seemingly impossible to work. I’m already a few days overdue on other features.

If anyone stumbles upon this post and happens to know the answer, please do enlighten me. Even when I have documentation on hand, I clearly can’t get things to work right.

For the record, it is supposed to work like this, not like any of the overly complicated solutions found across the forums:

But it simply does not, no matter how many builds and live tests I do.

I found the solution. I’m going to buy Cross-Platform Voice Chat Pro.

It seems to be more reliable and simpler to use than the native implementation. Or at least, that is both my hope and expectation. The way it handles attenuation is also comparably decent, which I like.