Voice chat saturate network (OnlineSubsystemNull)


When trying to use the voicechat integrated with OnlineSubsystemNull in LAN over a switch (so 10Mb/s, huge bandwidth), as soon as we are 3, the voice of the third player is completely cut and we can’t understand anything. The third player understand the two other ones well (with ~1/2s lag), and the two other ones understand each other well (with ~1/2s lag)

The client bandwidth is normally unlimited in the ini files.
Does anyone have an idea to solve this problem?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Same problem here, and I use a 1Gb/s switch, so the bandwith sould not be a problem… yet I always end up with
[2016.09.06-13.50.59:114][563]LogNet:warning: Network saturated
[2016.09.06-13.50.59:114][563]LogNet:warning: Dropped 1 packets due to congestion in the voicechannel