I’m following this tutorial: The easy way to add Voice Chat into your multiplayer Unreal Engine 4 Game - Couch Learn, and I want to have proximity working after but I just want to test normal voice chat first. I found that for some reason, if in defaultgame.ini bRequiresPushToTalk=false it works fine, but if I do bRequiresPushToTalk=true, and use togglespeaking 1 and 0, it doesn’t work?
edit: The test was made with 4.23, and i was trying it in 4.27, I changed versions and it worked! This is still a problem though because I made a new project to test voice chat and was hoping to then after implement it into my normal game. This is a problem because I need it to be 4.27, so does anyone know the difference between 4.23 and 4.27 and how I can fix it?