At VocoAI, my team and I have developed a technology that deals with the creation of intelligent bots, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously.
I am currently working on a plugin for the Unreal Engine and Unity plugin, as this has been a long-time dream for me to make NPCs in the games more immersive and interesting. Imagine if you could have a regular conversation with any NPC that you met. No more scripted dialogues and thousands of dollars spent on voice acting. More freedom for indie developers! - That’s exactly what we are working on at VocoAI.
We are currently preparing for a public launch and have already started accepting applications for access to the API. If you have any questions, I’ll more than happy to answer all of them! 
Video of demo
Online demo [made in UE5]
Apply for an API
Greetings @anonymous_user_04a65993 !
VocoAI is certainly unprecedented! This tech has the potential to add so much more immersion and cleverness to games, sandbox/open world RPGs in particular. A few questions, if you will.
Call me weird, but after watching the demo and hearing the responses to the questions, I am given the feeling of a spirituality devoid of dogma, which brings into question the theme of: morality vs. immorality. Was the Wanderer inspired by man’s age old crisis of faith?
What criteria must be present for the AI to draw knowledge of the game world it is placed within? Does the AI collect information from the actions of the main character and use this as a base for intelligence? Does the AI ever have a change of heart or change of thought as it gains more knowledge?
Furthermore, is this a work amongst siblings? What platform is your AI built upon? What are your professional backgrounds?