Short Descr: I can play video using VLCMedia on linux but i cant hear MediaSoundWave. Logs that i recievie is:
[2018.02.06-14.30.29:977][760]LogALAudio:Warning: ALSoundBuffer init failed for wave ‘NormalMediaSoundWave’, decompression type 5.
[2018.02.06-14.30.29:977][760]LogALAudio:Warning: Failed to initialize sound source with WaveInstance ‘NormalMediaSoundWave’.
[2018.02.06-14.30.29:977][760]LogALAudio:Warning: SampleRate 44100
[2018.02.06-14.30.29:977][760]LogALAudio:Warning: Channels 2
[2018.02.06-14.30.29:977][760]LogAudio:Warning: Failed to start sound source for NormalMediaSoundWave
Is there other way to just play audio without using MediaSoundWave ? or force MediaSoundWave to us DT_Native, not DT_Procedural ?