Vive Trackers not showing up in Unreal 5.4.3, even with all the workarounds

Hi all,

I had Vive Trackers working fine with all the workarounds in other UE versions, but I can’t figure out how to get it working with 5.4.3.

I’m using the workaround that used to work (start menu, run, then the unreal engine exe local path, with a space and then -xrtrackingonly) and tried role changing etc in Steam VR. But it only shows the head, not the other trackers.

Bizarrely, if I quit Steam VR with Unreal 5.4.2 still open, the trackers can be seen in the Live Link window for a few seconds!! It’s so weird. I’ve captured that behavior in this video:

Thanks in advance if you know how to fix this!

Toby Virtual Filmer

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Is no one else having issues with Open XR Vive Tracker recognizing the Vive trackers?

It seems really random whether they show up or not. Very frustrating.

I just got it to work :smiley:

I deactivated this plugin:

Apparently it interfered with the other XR plugins, not sure. But you can try that.

Also, SteamVR has to run before opening the Unreal project. Letting it start automatically by opening the project didn’t work either.

Just wanted to add that I’m having a similar issue with 5.4.4 - however, the solution is slightly different for me. If I run with -xrtrackingonly and have the “OpenXRViveTrackerEx” disabled, the only think that shows up in Livelink is the headset. However, if I have the plugin enabled, I see the headset along with one of my trackers.

My current issue is that I have two Vive trackers that I’d like to use, but I can’t figure out how to get the second one to show up in Livelink, or disable the headset since I’m not using it. Also, it’s super annoying that I have to run UE from a specific shortcut with the -xrtrackingonly command line argument. Really hoping for a better solution for this in the future!

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For your issue with tracking more Vive Trackers you can follow the instructions below: