Vive Tracked Cube to NDI Broadcast Actor possible?

Hey there,

i am a pretty Noob on UE4, but at all i get the Vive Tracker working and could add a CineCamera to the Cube who get`s the Loc. and Rot. Data from the Vive Tracker.

We want to make a realtime mixed reality Setting, Stream via NDI the Livepicture in, Key it, and get this in an virtual enviroment, Track the Camera Position, and link this Tracking Data to the NDI Broadcast Actor and get the whole thing out via NDI.

I thought about just replace the Cube with the Broadcast Actor, but it is incompatible, so what can i do here?
May say that the Picture of the CineCamera go to the NDI Broadcast Actor? or can i kind of Assign the Cube and the NDI Broadcaster?

Sorry but i am out of Tutorials in this spezific thing^^

Hopefully this great community can give me a hint or a complete instruction :slight_smile:

best regards and thank you for every response



Yes, this works making use of the Composure feature.

set up your materials:

And as composure use render target asset and there set the RenderTarget2D, same that is used by the ndi media sender.

Did you find out a solution, i m also working on something like this.

I try to broadcast a render target with NDI. This is created by composure output. Black stream. What do I wrong?