Vive Mars Cam Track - Virtual camera issue

Hello guys, I’m using Vive Mars Camtrack with ultimatte 12 for live chromakey and hyperdeck to record the preview. I record on camera also and plan to render the scene out of UE5.4 for post production.

Here is the problem. When I shoot my video, everything goes well, I have the actor and the cine camera into the take recorder, live view works fine, nothing happens so far. When I try to render out the “take”. There are 2 cameras in the Outliner with the exact same name. Let’s call it cam A and B.

Cam A is the correct one with the tracking data but NOT present in the sequencer. Instead cam B was in the sequencer but with a completely wrong tracking data. In the viewport, they are moving in the roughly the same location but the rotation is completely off.

I don’t know how to fix it. And the problem is cam B is not supposed to be there or have that kind of data since my camera didn’t move like that and cam A was the correct one but have no key frame at anything when drag to sequencer.