visual stuido issiue

Hi, i transferred my project files to new ssd and ue thinks visual studio is not installed and not open project but it already installed in same ssd. How I can fix this?

Have you tried running the project from visual studio itself? Its hard for me to understand what your problem is, if you can describe the problem in more detail or attach a screenshot so that we can help you.

Is your VS up to date? You can also check it’s recommendations on what you should do from the home page. (There will be listed the necessary plugins as well) But if VS is not the issue, you can try doing this:

Delete .sln file, .vs folder and Source folder. Open up the .uproject file, after the engine launches, create a new C++ class and close the engine. Go to the newly generated Source folder and replace the Public and Private folders with the original ones. Then you should be able to open the .sln file and build the project from there.

Of course, back up everything before you touch any important files. But this should only regenerate things associated with VS

Okay, so my project files and unreal engine files was in the external ssd and today I transferred those to internal ssd, but when -external (:f) ssd not plugged in- I try to open project project browser it says
But, vs 2022 already installed and even its files in internal ssd! (c:)

And also, when I put the external ssd back, ue finds vs 2022 somehow and opens project.
Both ue, project and vs 2022 are in the c:, external ssd (f:)not even related! Thats literally ■■■■■■■■.

So, what the hell happening??

Can you try regenerating the VS related files like I said?

I switched version 5.3 to c: version 5.3 and it works fine now without external ssd.
Interesting problem…