Hey guys,
I’ve had this on 2 different computers so far after upgrading to 4.19. I saw some reports of it in the 4.19 Transition Guide thread but there wasn’t a consistent resolution posted.
I enabled verbose logging for the UBT and there is lots of this in the output:
UnrealBuildTool: VERBOSE: SharedPCH.UnrealEd.cpp: Included file MinimalWindowsApi.h is newer than the last execution of the action: 8/06/2018 5:37:42 PM vs 7/06/2018 3:47:58 PM
UnrealBuildTool: VERBOSE: Outdated action: SharedPCH.UnrealEd.cpp
UnrealBuildTool: VERBOSE: -> DEEP include scan: D:\bd-dev\BD-PROG-SDK\Epic\UnrealEngine-blackdelta\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UnrealEd\SharedPCH.UnrealEd.h
I still have the log from the previous time the problem occurred and it was for a different file that time:
UnrealBuildTool: VERBOSE: PostProcessAA.cpp: Prerequisite SharedPCH.Engine.h.pch is newer than the last execution of the action: 7/06/2018 8:49:58 AM vs 7/06/2018 8:15:38 AM
UnrealBuildTool: VERBOSE: Outdated action: PostProcessAA.cpp
UnrealBuildTool: VERBOSE: -> DEEP include scan: D:\bd-dev\BD-PROG-SDK\Epic\UnrealEngine-blackdelta\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\PostProcess\PostProcessAA.cpp
I changed the Build and Run setting to ‘Prompt before build’ to add a bit of protection. I changed over to non-unity build as well but the problem still happens as well. For the our project sln I also changed the Configuration Manager setting it to only build our project, but these outdated actions are within that build.
Is there any known fix for this or anything else I can try?
Many thanks