Hi, I would like to know if there are any form of use UE on mac without Xcode. I would like to use Visual Studio 2017 like main IDE to programming my project without install Xcode.
Thanks in advance.
PD: my English is not very good, excuse me if I have some mistakes.
Visual Studio for Mac is a developer environment optimized for building mobile and cloud apps with Xamarin and .NET. There has no option to create C++ project in this version
some other community members reported this suggestion to the Visual Studio Product Team, please check this: Support C++ in Visual Studio for Mac and you can vote it, then waiting for the feedback from the Visual Studio Product Team.
Looks like vs for mac is just a rebranded xamarin studio, and only supports C#, no C++.
Edit: But, since the recent Unreal Engine 4.18 release (2017/10/23), you can use Visual Studio Code under macOS, Linux, and Windows.
You need to install .NET Core 2.0 runtimes, and some other dependencies for full C++ support and debugging.
To use Visual Studio Code to build and debug all project types, some additional extensions are required. On all platforms, make sure the Microsoft C/C++ extension, and the C# extension are installed. On Linux and Mac, the “Mono Debug” extension is required to debug C# projects, and the “LLDB Debugger” extension is required to debug C++ projects.
@SRombauts I’m struggling trying to get a viable unreal dev env on a mac.
In attempting to use the Visual Studio Code option, I’m running into these issues:
Not a direct blocker, but in terms of installing required plugins, I search in VS but can’t find the LLDB Debugger mentioned above
Following a basic Unreal tutorial, when I open the the project in Visual Studio Code, I get errors like the below. It makes me thing something is probably wrong with a configuration path for headers (maybe Unreal macros are not working?)
I can compile and run my project in Unreal and it all seems to work fine, which I take as a strong indicator that the problem is with my Visual Studio Code set up
Any help greatly appreciated. Really what would be amazing would be a comprehensive step-by-step guide to set up Unreal 4.19 with Visual Studio Code on a Mac, but I can’t seem to find that anywhere.
this is the header files that’s generating errors:
…and the attached image is what I see in Visual Studio Code (it’s rejecting the inheritance :, which is why I’m thinking maybe this is a downstream problem from its not understanding the macro above?)
Seriously, you proudly present support for VS Code in your release note, but you don‘t provide a clear guide on how to use this option? Would be a big help for Mac users. Help.