Visual Studio issues

Dear All,
I’m following a data driven gameplay tutorial and I have encountered the following issue:
I’m using VS 2015 community. I will be using c++ to create some BP functions. I did exactly what the tutor did and when he opened his .cpp file, he had a bunch of option next to the play button, whereas I have “Attach…” only. My debug type is greyed out, his has a lot of options, like “Development editor”. What did I do wrong and how to set this up?
I tried attaching this solution to the UE editor, but to no avail. Thanks in advance.

Additional info: Seems like my .cpp and .h files are not connected to any solution. Furthermore, I tried closing UE editor then reopen it. It asks "the following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: <the new cpp class I just created>. Would you like to rebuild them now? When I say yes, it tries to build it, but fails and exits. If I say no, it just exits so now I can’t open this project (it was just for practice anyway). How to get this sorted out?

open your project folder. You will have a .uproject file in there. If you right click it, you can choose “generate visual studio project files.”

that is usually my first step.

Then, in visual studio, make sure at the top you have it set as Development Editor, and your platform set to Win64. Like so:


I know when i first booted up the engine, it was set to html5 or something. It needs to be your current platform to work.

Also: hello again agiro! I see that you were the author of the last thread i responded to hehe

A regular saint you are :smiley: I will do this - as soon as the cpp toolkit finished installing :smiley: I thought I had that installed, but seems like no.

Update: now it has the link to what you said, I just need to build it. Thing is, when I try to do so, It gets stuck on error - 51 of them in the <the name of the c++ class I created>.generated.h file. Please note that this .sln file was generated after I created the cpp class. I opened the .sln file and added the two files - the .cpp and the .h files I created as my c++ class. How to sort this out?

can i take a look at the CPP and .h for your class?

sometimes, if i get weird compilation errors, i’ll delete my Intermediate folder, and then regen project files. The intermediate folder is where the .generated.h files are stored. Might be a good place to start.

Also, the error that is closest to the bottom of the error log is usually the root of the issue - the other 50 errors usually stack up because of that one initial problem.

Course. Sorry for the late reply, I was waiting for Google Drive to finish the upload. I’m sending the whole project, it is a small one for practice.