Visual studio, intelliSense errors and the project 'put name' has been modified outside the environement.

Hi all,

Im learning c++ and have some issue. When i open or create any c++ projects i have intelliSense errors, and need “reload all” because the project has been modified out the environement.

I didn’t modify the project i just create new c++ class for show you pics.

If I have any weird engine compile errors like this I always do the following:
Delete everything, that is not absolutely necessary to compile the game:

  • Binaries
  • DerivedDataCache
  • Intermediate
  • Saved
  • In root folder YourGameName.sln

Then keep both editors, unreal and visual studio closed. Go to the file explorer, select your YourGameName.uproject file and klick ‘Generate Visual Studio Files’. That takes a small bit of time, depending on your hardware.

After that you can open the .sln and hit Build. Make sure

  • Build Configuration is ‘Development Editor’
  • Startup Project is Games->YourGameName.
  • In error List in VS choose ‘Build Only’. For Unreal Intellisense feels a bit wonky.

To really get C++ up and running I also needed to

  • install the unreal integration

  • some more C++ Packages (VS wont stop screaming after you have)

  • disable ‘Live Coding’ in Unreal

  • fix 2 compile errors from code that was shipped (really easy ones, vs opens the line if you double klick the error in the error list)

I also always compile the code with the engine closed and only open the engine editor with the ‘Local Windows Debugger’ in VS.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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Hey @Gulli_Gullile,

Thank for this complet post is very helpfull for me. I need to delete files and generate visual studio project file for every class or something i create and edit in visual studio?

It’s saved me a lot of time.


Add the Cpp files always with tools ‘Add C++’ File in Unreal. This usually works without deleting everything. Deleting everything is something I do if I encounter unexpected compile issues.


Hello, i dont undestand your technique can you put screenshoot please? what do you thing about change source code editor?

I did not mention changing the source control. That is an entirely different story :sweat_smile:

  • In unreal in submenu 1 ‘Tools’ choose ‘Add c++ class’ to add a new class
  • In unreal disable live coding enabled in the submenu of 2 in the screenshot

  • In Visual studio use DevelopmentEditor as Build Config [1]
  • Local Windows debugger starts the debugging process and unreal [2]
  • In this screenshot unter Games SilentMountains is the startup project [3]

In the launcher you must install the Visual Studio Integration Tool (Sorry my OS is configured in German :smiley: ). Without that tool you get all kinds of different weird errors, because Unreal does not use a standarized C++ Compiler.

Please also take a look in the documentation Install Visual Studio Tools for Unreal Engine | Microsoft Learn
Installing Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

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