Visual Studio Integration Tool plugin for 5.5

I recently installed 5.5 and the editor and project are compiling just fine.

The thing is, I keep getting the following error in the Unreal Engine Integration Configuration:

The Visual Studio Integration Tool plugin is owned and in my launcher library, but the launcher is only giving me the option to install it to earlier UE versions (i.e. not 5.5). Also, in my 5.5 list of plugins, the Visual Studio Integration Tool plugin isn’t appearing.

Any suggestions please people? :slight_smile:

Because version of this plugin is not yet published to fab. If you want it to work you need to wait until they publish version of the plugin eventually. Which takes some time.
I don’t have time for this now, but I believe that if I were updating my VS2022 to a certain version I could finaly remove this plugin from my uproject file and forget about it while freely migrate my project to new version of UE.

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@Apachi_max Solid info that saved me a bunch of head-scratching… thank U!

After each UE version release, how long does it usually take for the tool to be uploaded?

Actually I was asking myself if the plugin is deprecated or it has been integrated in VS/UE5.5, because it’s kinda strange to me that hasn’t been updated yet. Also, in the tool description is written “As of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.9, you no longer need this plugin to view information about Blueprints in C++ code.” :confused:

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