Visual Studio Integration Tool plugin for 5.5

I recently installed 5.5 and the editor and project are compiling just fine.

The thing is, I keep getting the following error in the Unreal Engine Integration Configuration:

The Visual Studio Integration Tool plugin is owned and in my launcher library, but the launcher is only giving me the option to install it to earlier UE versions (i.e. not 5.5). Also, in my 5.5 list of plugins, the Visual Studio Integration Tool plugin isn’t appearing.

Any suggestions please people? :slight_smile:

Because version of this plugin is not yet published to fab. If you want it to work you need to wait until they publish version of the plugin eventually. Which takes some time.
I don’t have time for this now, but I believe that if I were updating my VS2022 to a certain version I could finaly remove this plugin from my uproject file and forget about it while freely migrate my project to new version of UE.

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@Apachi_max Solid info that saved me a bunch of head-scratching… thank U!

After each UE version release, how long does it usually take for the tool to be uploaded?

Actually I was asking myself if the plugin is deprecated or it has been integrated in VS/UE5.5, because it’s kinda strange to me that hasn’t been updated yet. Also, in the tool description is written “As of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.9, you no longer need this plugin to view information about Blueprints in C++ code.” :confused:


Dis you manage to build your project without it? I’m having a lot of error about integration, and my knowledge about c++ are very low so I don’t know if my project really compile and work

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Honestly, I’m quite new to C++ myself, but without the integration tool (as pictured above) the engine and game project build just fine.

Btw, I’ve found the best way to test if Visual Studio (VS) is set up right is to start a brand-new project and compile it. If there are errors on a new project, I’d suggest your VS setup might be the issue. If there are no errors on the new project, then it may be something on your project’s code:

  • Go the launcher
  • Click on UE5.5 > Launch
  • Select New project > Games > C++
  • Shut down the editor but leave VS open
  • Build the project
  • If there are errors, clean the project and build it again

Generally, I’ve found copy-pasting into the free version of ChatGPT (paid one is even better imho):

  • entire header files
  • entire cpp files
  • error codes from build and error list (but relating to the files I’m modifying)
  • what I’m aiming to achieve

ChatGPT isn’t perfect at all, but with patience and time it gets the job done so far (thank heaven).

You can copy the plugin from 5.4. It isnt hard at all. Takes 5/10 mins. All the info use to be on the marketplace but now Fab has replaced it it appears to have been lost.

  • Go to the location of your engines (Usually c://Program Files//Epic Games//UE5.4)
  • Inside the following folder take a copy of the plugin, Engine//Plugins//Marketplace//VisualStudioTools
  • Create the same dir structure (Engine//Plugins//Marketplace) in the UE5.5 code and paste the folder you just copied.
  • Inside your project open the .uproject file with notepad and set VisualStudioTools to false. (This is the new requirement I think as I didnt have to do this from 5.3 to 5.4)
  • Inside your project is the Source directory. Inside there are 2 file {ProjName}.Target.cs and {ProjName}Editor.Target.cs, open both with notepad and change the IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Unreal5_5;
    And you should be good to go!

Thank U @fishbulb_fw! Does adding the integration tool offer any benefits in in 5.5?

Sorry for the delay, just seen this.

Adding the plugin allows you to migrate C++ projects from 5.4 and below to 5.5 and continue to make changes to code in the visual studio project without having to wait for the new release of VSIT before being able to run the VS project. Without the plugin you can still migrate a C++ project to 5.5 but you can only then work with the project in the unreal engine editor, you cannot successfully build from visual studio.

In my game I am doing some heavy Maths in the C++ part and have a stupid bug and didnt want to have to revert to 5.4 to resolve so crow-barring the 5.4 VSIT plugin to work was easier.


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