Visual Studio integration problems

I’m trying to port a blueprint project to C++ (Due to a necessity on integrating UDPs to it), spent a while trying to make VIsual Studio 2022 work, most stuff wasn’t working propperly and some modules were missing it seems. Already “Started” the conversion, but due to some problems I had to “re-clone” the project pre-Conversion from my Git, and now I can’t open it due to the Visual Studios Tools not working properly, and when before it said the project needed to be rebuilt manually, it displays this

I can assure the plugin is installed in the engine and (I think) it’s properly connected to the IDE (The only thing asking to do was to make an .editorconfig file, that’s where I got stuck initially and had to restart due to the amount of stuff I’ve already tried in that attempt)

Any clues on how to fix this error and to make VS22 work/read UE5 code properly?

Since you already mentioned this issue in your other recent topic, this one seems to be obsolete now. Here’s my post with suggestions for reference.

Though I can still add that you can consider connecting your project to version control and also having backups of your project in a safe drive to be safe in the future to avoid losing progress. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that your project is corrupted or anything. It’s just an important thing to have if you don’t already. That way we can start over the process of converting your blueprint project into a C++ one if you manually adjust the project files and cause irreversible changes. :blush:

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Oh sure, I have it in a GitLab page due to the fact it’s a software for the company I’m working rn, everytime I did too much random stuff to try to fix it, I just re-clone the latest compile

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