Visual Studio freeze while debugging

Hello everyone,

As of right now, we have been unable to reproduce this bug on our end after trying a number of times, although we will keep investigating. For now, I will be closing this topic for tracking purposes. If anyone comes up with any reliable repro steps, please leave a comment on this topic so that we can attempt the repro. Thank you.

It’s still a huge issue for me. As another poster suggested - it is difficult to pinpoint and i cannot share a project where this occurs. Having said that, all projects I witness it in share something in common: they were created on windows 8 and then the problem appeared after updating to 10. I am using the same UE4 and VS as existed prior to the OS upgrade.

I can confirm that my project was created using Windows 10. However, as my team and I utilise source control, the project has been committed, updated and shared between 3 different machines consisting of Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.

Hey Sean,

Thanks for you effort and help! I can’t figure out how to direct message people on the answerhub, but if you can reach out to me I have a link to a project that I have crashing the exact same way the above users have described, along with my DXDiag.

It’s a project that’s been upgraded from UE 4.8.2 to 4.9.1, started on a Windows 8 machine and opened on my Windows 10 laptop (Lenovo Y50). It’s been worked on a variety of lab computers running Windows 7.

You can send me a direct message through the forums at this link:
I’ll be glad to take a look at what you have. Thank you.

We’ve done more testing on this issue, including tests performed using the project you provided (thank you for providing that) and we have still been unable to reproduce the issue at this point. For anyone with the ability to do so, try testing using Visual Studio 2015 and the UE 4.10 preview and let me know if that makes a difference.

Thanks Sean! I want to tentatively say I fixed it, but I’m not 100% sure. I just added my project’s directory as well as the “Epic Games” directory to my antivirus program (Avast in my case), and I haven’t gotten a crash yet. Could be dumb luck; I’ll repost here if I get the problem again.

Hi Sean,

I’ve updated my Unreal to v4.10 and VS 2015 and the problem is still happening. However, I’ve noticed, like in the OP’s screenshot, that the computer locks up everytime when it reaches the “loading symbols for the MoviePlayer.dll” part. Could MoviePlayer.dll be the problem?

i hope this is not closed here is a video i recorded on cellphone of the issue plus my DXDIAG. im going to try the avast solution he mentioned above. Otherwise can i get you some SVN credentials for our project so you guys can check out the UE4 project and try it yourself? It happens 1/5 times so once every few hours. Should be posted here in a bit!

heres a video of it happening ! Dropbox - No photos or videos

I agree, I hope this issue is not closed as it still a serious issue, whether Epic is able to recreate it or not.

I also agree I have been having this problem as well im using 4.8.2 and windows 10 64bit with visual studio 2013 never had this problem before upgrading to windows 10. Really hope we can find a solution soon its not fun playing russian roulette with my computer for debugging.

I can confirm the issue is gone for me now. I did the following to resolve my issues.

#1. delete my sdf,sln and suo in the root project folder and regenerated the solution

#2. Marked my avast antivirus to never scan the engine install directory

Not a single debug crash in a week and believe me that’s a big change normally it would crash every hour of programming when i randomly hit debug !

try what i did below! everyone

Is it safe to assume that everyone here has Avast as their internet security? Can anyone else confirm the above?

Iam also using Avast (Avast Free Antivirus). I will try the solution and tell if it works for me.

Don’t forget to give credit where it’s due! You don’t need to delete the sdf, sln, and suo files. You just need to set an exclusion in avast for the engine directory.

I can confirm that this solution should be working. I started debugging for 16 times with avast deactivated and i had no crash at all.

Thaaaaaaank you Dark583 =)
(If i will get no freeze until Sunday, i will mark this as the solution.)

Just added the exclusion, will also post here in a few days to confirm.

EDIT: I know I said a few days but I’ve been debugging a few times now and so far so good! I’m happy to call this problem resolved for the time being.

I also can tell, this resolved it!! =)

If someone is wondering how to add exclusions:
Open Avast → Settings → Active Protection → FileSystemShield Customize → Exclusions. Add your Unreal Engine Path (C:\Program Files\Epic Games) and i have also added my Project Path there, but i dont know if you need to add that. Dont forget to click Ok :wink: