Visual Studio Code requires "Refresh Visual Studio Code Project" after new class creation

Hello, I’m new to Unreal Engine 5. VSCode is my preferred code edtior, so I’d like to stick with that.

I’ve been having issues with getting the Intellisense working properly. Every time I create a new C++ class from Unreal, the Intellisense breaks on the new class.

I have to either right-click the .uproject and choose “Generate Visual Studio project files” or in Unreal press “Tools > Refresh Visual Studio Code Project.” Afterwards, the Intellisense works.

Isn’t there some way this can be resolved automatically?

Also, I recall from Epic’s official guide that you need to add includePath to c_cpp_properties.json, but I can’t get that to work. In fact, adding the includePath just guarantees the Intellisense won’t work at all. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

I know there are also two root folders in the VSCode workspace, one for UE5 and one for the project. If I do need to set up the includePath for c_cpp_properties.json, I assume I should change it in the .vscode folder in the project directory, not the engine directory?

Did you ever fine a solution to this?

I did not, unfortunately… I abandoned VSCode for Rider. I think Rider is better suited for C++ in general.