When I replace actors with the Dataprep they are coming in around 240 times too large. Does anyone know how to resolve this? I’m importing from SketchUp and have tried different Unreal units for project settings. When I use the regular datasmith actors and replace the selected actors I have no issues with scale but I’m trying to automate the process. I’ve tried to create this workflow with an utility editor blueprint but haven’t had any success yet. The main function it would need to do is filter by metadata and then spawn actors at location.
Where does the static mesh you use to replace existing one come from?
Is there a scale on your hierarchy that you do not reset when you attach the new actors?
Can you give a screenshot on how you do actor replacement in your dataprep?
I was able to get it to work with a custom node scale blueprint. I’m just trying to create my workflow through trial and error and was spawning a blueprint from the starter content. The Select Asset node parameter has assets selected but they just don’t appear in the view below after selected (minor bug).
However, when migrating this dataprep recipe the Filter by Metadata nodes has an unknown error… Also once I migrated this dataprep I could no longer import a model in any dataprep (tried multiple projects) with all of the necessary plugins enabled. One crash report is shown below. My goal is to have a couple hundred of these recipes to replace imported actor locations with high quality foliage blueprints and use it for all of my future projects.
CrashReportClient.ini (112 Bytes)
LandFX_Test07.log (202.7 KB)
UEMinidump.dmp (1.3 MB)
CrashContext.runtime-xml (171.1 KB)
We have a bug that escaped QA. It will be fixed in 5.1.1.
Check for explanation and solution here Visual Dataprep Viewport Crash - #2 by UE_FlavienP