Lately I’ve been messing around with using virtual textures to blend static meshes with landscapes with decent success, using this tutorial as a base.
However when I bake lighting, lighting seams kinda break the illusion and highlight the intersection seam, as seen in these screenshots (open in new tab to see more clearly). Note how unlit is completely seamless, as are all other channel debug view like roughness, world normal etc. Only the lighting highlights the seam.
Lit (Left: Unbaked)(Right: Baked)
Unlit (Left: Unbaked)(Right: Baked)
Before baking (as in the left mesh), the transitions are almost perfect. The change of lighting on the static meshes after baking leads me to think its some kind of GI problem, with the landscape actor not accounting for the volumetric lightmap and so being lit differently post bake. Any ideas?