I am trying to test the virtual scouting plugin in Unreal Engine 5.x.
The Idea is to test which advantaces there are in Unreal Engine 5 with Lumen.
I am using an HTC Vive to do that.
In the documentation of the engine I found following guide Activating the Virtual Scouting Tools | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation
This guide seems to be made for Unrel Engine 4, so there are settings (in particular the setting Interactor Class and Teleporter Class) which are not avaliable in UE5.
I have done all the other settings but if I enter the VR mode the engine crashes and if I enter the VR preview mode the tool doesnt seem to work.
I dont know what the mistake or the problem is.
Is there some setting I need to do that is not in the documenatation?
Thanks in advance