Virtual Scouting in 5.4 is Broken

I have tried to enable virtual scouting in 5.4 but when I enter VR mode with (Shift+V) but it does not work properly. I can see my controllers but they are not receiving any inputs. I’ve pressed every button on the controller but nothing happens.

Here are the steps I used to enable Virtual Scouting:

  1. Enabled Virtual Production Utilities Plugin
  2. Enabled Virtual Scouting Plugin
  3. Set mode class to VPScoutingMode in Editor Preferences
  4. Unchecked Autokey Sequences, Show World Movement Grid, and Show World Movement Post Process
  5. Set VirtualScoutingWidget as the Virtual Scouting User Interface in Project Settings> Virtual Production Editor

You have to remove all the input mappings from enhancedinput settings in the project. It will be in the updated documentation when the official release comes out. If you start from the VP rather than the VR template it should not be an issue.

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