Virtual Production delay composition output


I have a virtual production setup with a Vive Tracker on a Camera (Sony Alpha 7R ii).
When i take a picture with the camera, the tracker sends simultaneously a trigger signal to UE4.
So this way i can make a HighResScreenshot of the Composition.

The problem is, that the Camera turns black for a short moment as i take a picture.
So the Screenshot is black. For now i can add a delay after the trigger (~0.25 sec and the Camera sends a signal again) and it works.

Is it possible to have a Buffer of the Viewport with the Composition? So could grab a screenshot from some frames before the trigger executes?
Or is it generally possible to delay the rendering of the viewport a bit, i think this would also work…?

My solution was to record the tracking data from the vive tracker to a array and delay the used tracking data that way.
Then the Camera and the visual camera data is in sync.
In addition you can blend between two frames data to get fractions of frames of delay.